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 Sonny's values are focused on long-term improvements for the Kalihi and Hickam communities. He has been committed to stabilizing and reducing the cost of housing for working families, improving roads and sidewalks, and reforming our justice system. ​Throughout Ganaden time in the legislature, he has helped bring significant changes to the law. Always supporting the people of District 30 Ganaden has tried to support and advance changes to state funds and direct emergency management, supported the effort and continued the fight of building affordable housing through a variety of measures, and increasing support for programs that reduce homelessness and support mental health services. ​During this 2024 session, Ganaden supported and passed one of the most significant tax reform measures in the state's history. The reform ensures that a family of four earning Hawaii's median household income would see their income tax liability decrease 69% by 2031. ​ ​​​

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Paid for by Friends for Sonny Ganaden

PO Box 1112 

Honolulu, HI 96807

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